Monday 25th May 2015

A Model UN is an event where a delegates, (people assigned to represent a specific country,) debate the best way to solve an important global issue according to their assigned countries views.

A resolution is proposed, and people debate and vote on changes to the document. In past model UN's, (I've done two, one was the Otago-Southland Model UN in March and the other was the Dunedin Model UN,) the resolutions have been about sustainable development, global poverty, gender equality, criminal rehabilitation, child mortality and maternal health, and youth unemployment.

A couple of weeks ago, five students from John McGlashan attended the Dunedin Model UN. The topics were youth unemployment and criminal rehabilitation. There were about 60 students from Dunedin schools attending.

I represented Russia and won best delegate, which is the equivalent of best speaker. As a result, I'm attending the National Model UN in Wellington in July.  David Alsop was also accepted and is attending the NZ Model UN. There will be about 150 students from around NZ attending.