The mission presented to the Year 9 cohort was that this adventure would provide the opportunity and experience for them to develop relationships with each other and key staff, develop a positive culture within this year's group and experience activities that would require resilience and teamwork. A big ask, but our second campus at Te Anau Downs provided all the key ingredients required to achieve this mission - including impeccable weather!
Two groups of year nine classes travelled to Te Anau Downs for two weeks from February 19th. This camp replaced the well-known McGlashan tradition of the 'Cycle Camp', so there was much to live up to.
Leaving early on Monday morning, when the students arrived on site, they were split into 'Mission Groups', which were identified only by their matching bandanas and expertly supported by our Year 13 leaders (and our ring-in Year 13s Mr Lane and Mrs Ellis).
The boys moved into their afternoon of team-building and problem-solving. Whether negotiating the 'Minefield', removing the 'Toxic Waste', or crossing 'Crocodile Creek', there were many laughs but, more importantly, opportunities for the boys to connect with new students through the problem-solving and communication required to complete each activity.
By dinner time, rooms had been allocated, and hungry individuals devoured burgers for dinner, just in time for Mrs Smith to ring the bell and announce it was 'Mission Time'.
Students joined again in their mission groups to await their next challenge. Given a collection of useful (and some really un-useful) resources, the group was tasked with protecting some 'special cargo' to be thrown off the lodge's top floor.
I can report that only two eggs were harmed in this challenge across the two weeks of camp, and one of those belonged to a very confident group of Camp Dads.
Each morning, the lodge was awoken by the wonderfully chosen tunes of the Year 13 leaders as they wandered the hallways of the lodge and woke their young charges with the help of a large boom box.
It was time to rise and head out for the early morning camp run. While there were a few grumps and groans this first time, the boys quickly began to appreciate the early morning fresh air and adrenaline before they went to breakfast.
Day two began the activity rotations. Three activity groups (Luxmore, Iris Burn, and Motarau) spent one day each experiencing a challenge based on tramping, cycling, or aquatics.
Heading further into the National Park, the tramping crew started from the divide, the start (or end) of the Routeburn Track.
On our way, we quickly stopped at Mirror Lakes to get inspired by what was to come.
Week one and two undertook slightly different routes, but both were given challenges by choice, and three options were presented to the boys.
1 - be led down a marked trail
2 - navigate your way down a marked yet overgrown trail where navigation and trail-finding skills would be required
3 - follow a trail to a set point and navigate through the bush to meet another trail (which included a steep descent or ascent, depending on which week you were on)
All options led the groups towards the site where Lake Howden Hut was before the 2020 weather event, creating much destruction in the area. This was a topic of investigation for the boys when they returned to class.
After competing in their tramping challenges, we took advantage of our proximity and took the boys through the Homer Tunnel. This is another area of study for the students when back in class.
My personal favourite activity that we did was the walk. It was so great because we got to see so many amazing places like the Homer Tunnel, the cool waterfalls, along with the Mirror Lakes.
Utilising the resources at our disposal and making a connection to Year 9 camps of the past, the boys completed the 30km ride from the 'Lake to Lake' trail from Manapouri to Te Anau.
For many of the students, this was an endurance challenge. This was easily the longest ride they had ever completed, giving pause to all the boys who rode the 150km rail trail camp of previous years.
Along the way, the boys stopped at key sights like 'Rainbow Reach', where many groups before them celebrated the conclusion of the Kepler Hike on Year 10 Camp.
Mr Casey instigated a new challenge of the Suspension Bridge climb, where Eddie Weir set another McGlashan record.
One of the most impressive elements of this activity was the boys' willingness to get alongside their classmates and support them in undertaking this task. There was a wide variety of skill levels, and it was really pleasing to see the younger boys take the lead in supporting those with less experience.
The reward at the end of this trail was definitely jumping into the cool, refreshing water of the Te Anau wharf.
Aquatics Week One
The CBD and DSM boys were lucky enough to have the unique experience of attempting to sail a double-hulled waka for their aquatics experience.
A huge level of teamwork was required to get this vessel working effectively. While this took some practice and problem-solving, the result was quite spectacular. The boys have already built connections in their new Integrated Studies topic between this experience and understanding the travels of the earliest settlers to New Zealand.
They were also allowed to swim and go fishing.
Aquatics Week Two
Unfortunately, the waka was unavailable in week two, so plan B came into force. We were very lucky to have the support of the Wallace family from Fiordland Outdoors, who provided boat transport and fishing experiences for the boys.
My favourite activity was aquatics because I got to go fishing and caught four trout!
Between fishing on the boat, on the beach, kayaking, or swimming, the boys had a full aquatic experience across the two weeks. For some, this was a more relaxing activity that allowed them to simply enjoy the environment. Most importantly, the first entries to Mr. Garry's famous fishing competition were caught.
Each evening after dinner, the boys assembled in their Mission Groups, awaiting their next challenge. It was very clear that as the week progressed, the communication and team dynamics improved in leaps and bounds - as did the intensity of the competition.
Events that followed as the weeks progressed included:
A six-team version of Capture the Flag, which was won in somewhat controversial circumstances by the Max Porters' Purple Crew.
'Guardian of the Flame' was a Mr Palmer special - a group obstacle course that included climbing over and under different implements, a gauntlet of parents with water buckets and the firehouse, a balance beam and a water slide conclusion...all while working as a team to keep a lit candle alight. Easy.
There was no winning team for this competition, but there was certainly a lot learned and a ton of fun!
The final Misson Group Challenge was 'Campeoke', which involved two teams coming together to 'perform' a song of their choice. The Year 13 leaders were absolutely steadfast in saying that singing had to be part of the camp experience, and they certainly led the way. However, regarding photography and videography, we'll leave those in the vault for the 2028 Leavers Service.
My favourite night activity was ‘Guardian of the Flame’ because I got so wet, but Campeoke was a close second!
It was a full, busy, energetic week, and when we reviewed the camp's purpose and what we hoped to achieve, we felt it was really successful. Many memories were created, friendships were created or strengthened, and new skills were learned.
Camp was a really positive experience for me. It really helped me make more friends and get closer to all the teachers and boys.
There are so many people to thank for helping make this camp a success.
The boys should pat themselves on the back for their attitude towards being pushed out of their comfort zones, either physically, socially or both. They met this challenge admirably.
Our two groups of year 13 leaders were crucial in their positions as role models and mentors. Many thanks to Haydn Finlay, Billy Hutton-Atkins, Milo Hyndman, Daniel Joint, Adam McNab, Charlie Pearson, Max Porter, Jonty Riley, Jack Sandford and Harry Willis.
An exceptional group of parents joined us and provided essential skills, motivation, humour, cooking skills and manpower. We are very grateful for the time and energy you have gifted to the boys to allow them to have this experience.
Camps can not run without the support of staff, and we appreciate the efforts of those with us on camp and those who helped to 'hold the fort' back in Dunedin.
I want to give a special mention to Jason Palmer (Operations Manager at Te Anau Downs) and Mr Casey (Head of EOTC) for their efforts in supporting the camp with all the behind-the-scenes organisation.
I had a 10/10 experience.
I will leave the final thoughts with one of our year nine students who has one question:
Can we please have a second camp later in the year?
Mission accomplished!