Monday 19th November 2018
Listed below are the important dates and events you will need to be aware of so that the start of the 2019 years starts well.
Thursday 24 January:
- The first official school day for 2019. The school is open for instruction.
Monday 28 January:
- New International Student orientation today and Tuesday.
- Course confirmation for Year 11 and 12 day boys.
- Staff will be available for course advice. (Boys are NOT required to attend if they have confirmed their courses).
Tuesday 29 January:
- Year 9 boarders return by 10:30 am.
- Course confirmation for Year 11 and 12 boarders (Boys can pick up information from the administration block. Boys are NOT required to attend if they have confirmed their courses).
- 1:00 - 2:00 pm: Year 9 induction programme in the Chapel.
- 2:00 - 3:00pm: Year 9 games/ activities outside with form teachers.
- Course confirmation for Year 13 boarders and day boys. (Staff will be available for course advice).
Wednesday 30 January:
- First Full day of School, Years 7 - 13.
- 8:40 am: Full School Assembly in the Chapel.
- Year 9 cricket trials after school.
- Prefect camp overnight event.
Thursday 31 January:
- Year 13 Induction Day.
- Year 9 touch trials after school.
Friday 1 February:
- Normal school day.
- Year 9 cricket trials after school.