Alex Thomson - Published Author
Congratulations to word wizard, Alex Thomson, whose story The Dying Republic was selected for publication of the 2016 edition of Re-draft, an annual collection of winning writing by New Zealand teenagers. Re-draft is produced by The School for Young Writers with submissions selected by well-known authors Tessa Duder and James Norcliffe. Alex based his story on a quote from Aeschylus... " A people's voice is dangerous when charged with wrath." Sound intriguing? If you would like to read Alex's wonderful piece of writing, several copies are available at the library. Congratulations Alex, we will be looking out for you as a rising star of the NZ literary scene.
Congratulations also to Kirsteen McLay Knopp, mother of Year 7 pupil Joseph Knopp, whose junior fantasy novel The Ruby Sceptre was published recently. Joseph can often be found in the library and will be only too happy to show you where you can find it.