Tuesday 5th September 2017
On Tuesday 29 August the Board of Proprietors held their 100th meeting.
In April 1917, three acres of land and buildings at Maori Hill were donated to the Presbyterian Church by settler John McGlashan’s daughters, Margaret and Agnes, for a boys’ college.
The following meetings of the Board of Governors (now Board of Proprietors) laid the foundations for the College as we know it today. The 100th meeting of the John McGlashan College Board of Proprietors was held in the same place as the first, Burns Hall at First Church.
Rev Barry Kelk opened the meeting in prayer, as is customary.
Gracious God,
100 years ago people a lot like us met in this very hall and a vision was birthed.
Out of the generosity of the McGlashan daughters following the passion of the McGlashan elders a college would be created.
We thank you God.
And it happened within a very few months.
Now 100 years later we give thanks for the journey and we recommit as Proprietors to honour the vision and move on from strength to strength.
We give thanks God for all who lead in the College today as proprietors and trustees, for all who have made it their career to lead and teach, care and craft, maintain and recreate.
We give thanks God for the boys who have come and gone and for those in our college family just now. Boys here according to the vision of a safe place for boys from the city and far beyond to be educated as if through Your eyes.
Grace us with your presence as we celebrate the past albeit facing the future.
In Jesus name,
If you haven't already registered for our centenary celebrations in February 2018, see the attachment and head to mcglashan100.nz
JMC Centenary
101kb PDF file