Senior Prize-giving another wonderful celebration of student success.
Held in the Davies Sports Centre on November 1, the 2018 Senior Prize-giving was another wonderful celebration of exceptional student success. Attached is the list of Premiere Awards.
Congratulations on your very hard work boys.
Building Programme
The Board of Proprietors has been progressing several building and renovation programmes over the last six months.
The Junior Boarding House (Balmacewen House) is being fully refurbished. All bedrooms and bathrooms are currently undergoing renovation, and a brand new common space is being built on the road frontage opposite the Edgar Learning Centre. This work will bring freshness to the environment, and I am confident it will further enhance our outstanding facilities.
The tennis court surface and surrounds were upgraded some time ago, and we have been waiting for the arrival of the contractor to lay a new multipurpose synthetic turf. Sometime in the near future, we intend to install an extensive lighting system to enable night time practice to take place.
Food Technology expansion - last year we developed a Food Technology room with the intention of expanding the facility for the beginning of the 2019 school year. Concept plans and consents are well underway, and we envisage that the expanded classroom will be ready as planned.
No1 Changing Room – The existing changing room under the Boarding House kitchen area is also being refurbished.
Staff Changes
Tiny (Kelvin) Carruthers has been our Sports Director for the last five years. At the end of next week, he leaves us to take up a role with Sport Otago based in the Southern Lakes area. Tiny will live in Wanaka and develop sports programmes and facilities tailored to the ever-expanding inland population.
Tiny has given credibility to John McGlashan College sport. Our student participation rates are second to none, and our boys enjoy well-coached team sport. He is an energetic, cheerful and optimistic fellow with a passion for people.
Along with the Sports Council, he has successfully developed Clubs for every sport in the College with an emphasis on providing well-structured quality coaching for teams.
Tiny’s key strength has been his ability to communicate effectively and develop relationships with the boys, parents and the wider sporting fraternity. The McGlashan community wishes you and your family well in your new role.
Mary Guthrie has been a loyal and hardworking staff member in the Learning Support department in a part-time capacity for 15 years. Over her time at the College, she has assisted hundreds of boys in meeting their potential and most importantly, given them the confidence to manage their weaknesses and expand their strengths. Mary also leads the school Chess Club which developed a large following of students. Mary’s expertise and empathy will be missed in the department and across the entire school.
We wish Mary well as she moves on to other opportunities.
Colin Grey is taking refreshment leave next year to undertake a Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology at the University of Otago.
Congratulations to Year 13 student, James Burchell who has been admitted to the acclaimed New Zealand School of Dance. I am sure that his skill, passion and commitment will lead to a bright future, both nationally and internationally. All the best James.
In late September, Anna Noble and I travelled to Japan to undertake some international student marketing and were intrigued by the way in which Japanese culture contrasts with our less hierarchical Kiwi way of life. We engaged in educational discussions with Mr Koga, the owner of Ichikawa High School, and will embark on reciprocal arrangements for our students to visit Japan in 2019. This will create a fantastic opportunity for our boys to be hosted by Japanese families.
This year, our students have travelled to Vietnam, Japan, Argentina, Nepal, Spain, Germany and France, and, in the calendar next year, are South Africa and Costa Rica. As we know, curricular, cultural and sporting experiences broaden their view of life and add much to their independence.
There is a lot of coming and going this term with senior examinations underway, orientation for next year’s intake, Leavers’ departing into the adult world of work and tertiary study, Year 10s heading to camp and a few staff leaving us for new pastures. Our very best wishes go with you all.
Kind regards,
Neil Garry